Introducing Korea Association of Convergence Contents

Jeanhun Chung
Chairman of Korea Association of Convergence Contents
Professor of Dongguk University,
Seoul Korea
Chairman of the International Association of Culture Contents
International Conference
International Exhibition
Publication of Journal
International Cultural Exchange
Convergence Content Research
Convergence Content Education
Convergence Content Business
Hello dear everyone. I'm JeanHun Chung, Chairman of the Korea Association of Convergence Contents (KACC).
We are pleased to have you visit the website on the Korea Association of Convergence Contents.
KACC(the Korea Association of Convergence Contents) is an association to enhance the academic value of convergence content industry and Knowledge, it organized an international academic exchange programs and study on convergence content throughout the whole.
And upheavals in the world right now and the new wave of digital convergence content flourished role of convergence content experts are becoming increasingly added to its value.
The association will work to discover convergence content field experts, including cultural and technical collaborations for convergence content business and international policy, and contribute to regional and national development through hosting business and academic conferences, arts and technology exhibitions.
Korea Association of Convergence Contents and we will help creative and practical set direction and create a new way of convergence content industry front ranks of cultural
Thank you for your continued interest and encouragement. I am grateful.
Chairman of Korea Association of Convergence Contents JeanHun Chung
Association that increases the value of knowledge and leads the 4th industry and convergence cultural contents
KACC focuses on digital convergence content in the 4th industry. We publish specialized journal [Journal of convergence contents] and redefine the latest trends, technologies, and knowledge in the relevant fields. We are also organically collaborating and developing with the following organizations:
The International Association of Culture Contents(IACC)
Dongguk University, Seoul Korea
Convergence Content Company & Association

We pursue innovation and fuse technology and design. Our knowledge can create new content that craves a new culture contents with longing for newness and a blend of advanced technology. Experts from the same group gather to research and conference to make better results.
We strive to develop balanced convergence content.